
2nd Opinion Guarantee

If Airman can not repair your system we will apply a $500 credit towards a new Ultimate Plus full system from our online store with all the online benefits and upgrade to a VIP Platinum Membership at no additional charges.

Leak Search Guarantee: 

If Airman can not locate & repair your leak we will apply a $500 credit towards a new Ultimate Plus full system from our online store with all the online benefits and upgrade to a VIP Platinum Membership at no additional charges.


 CLASS1 Standing Leaks (SL) are leaks that can be detected while the unit is at rest (off) and fully equalized. This shall include freezer evaporative coils warmed up by defrost. SL leaks, fortunately, are the most common of all. 

CLASS2 Pressure Dependent Leaks (PDL) are leaks that can only be detected as the pressure is built. Nitrogen is used to pressurize low sides to 150 psi and high sides to 450 psi. Never use CO2 or Oxygen. Helium or dry air is 

CLASS3 acceptable. PDL testing should be conducted if no leaks are discovered by the SL test. Temperature Dependent Leaks (TDL) are leaks associated with the heat of expansion. TDL usually occurs from high ambient air, condenser blockage or during defrost. 

CLASS4 Vibration Dependent Leaks (VDL) occur only during unit operation. The mechanical strain of motion, rotation, refrigerant flow, or valve actuation are all associated with VDL. 

CLASS5 Combination Dependent Leaks (CDL) are flaws that require two or more conditions in order to induce leakage. For example, temperature, vibration and pressure cause the discharge manifold on a semi-hermetic compressor to expand and seep gas. 

CLASS6 Cumulative Micro-Leaks (CML) are all the individual leaks that are too small to detect with standard tools. The total loss over many years of operation slightly reduces the initial gas charge. In practice, a system having many fittings, welds, seams or gasket flanges; the greater the amount of CML